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At your location

Whenever possible we bring our mobile office to your property. Given a safe and pleasant space at your location we come to you. This is a huge benefit.

  • We get a better feel for your business.
  • No charges for travel time.
  • Never late for appointments.
  • Available to you in minutes.
  • Progress can be reviewed instantly.
  • If you cancel a meeting, it doesn't matter.
  • We can take onsite photos.
  • We can provide computer training to your staff.

Remotely on the Internet

All our services can be performed remotely using Interent access. Typically this is after onsite development.

It is more efficient, therefore with less investment on your part for us to do our initial development onsite. But, we can perform all services except for onsite photos remotely. If you can provide photos, we can do all development remotely.

So, it is your choice. Onsite or remote, whatever works best for you.

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