Get a Better Browser

A browser is the program that you use to view the world wide web. The major browsers and their percentage of use (as of 01-2024 from Browser Stats) are:

We listed the browsers in our preference as best to worst. We used to be Chrome users. However, Google (Alphabet) returns slanted results and they capture and retain all the data you enter. We find this disgusting. We have been using DuckDuckGo since 2023.

And in place of Google search engine, we use DuckDuckGo and StartPage as they respect your privacy.

If you are having trouble viewing a web site or its videos, we suggest updating your browser to the most current version or downloading a better browser.
You can have any or all of the browsers installed at the same time.

You will need to choose which browser is your default. But other than that, the installation of one browser will not interfere with the other browsers.
To secure a better browser, click on a link below.
These browsers are free and installation is simple.

During installation you will be given a choice as to whether you want the browser to be your default. You can choose Yes now, or you can change this later for any browser. You can also import your favorites or bookmarks from your current browser.

Enjoy a better browser.

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